Defining System Suitability Tests
SST Wizard: Other Wizard Pages

After you have defined the  Sample and Test Conditions, you can define more conditions on the next wizard pages. Press F1 for information about the options on these pages:


This page of the SST Wizard is opened when Use Aggregation is enabled on the Test Condition page. Use this page to define the statistical function to be used, as well as which samples will be included in the statistical calculations.

Peak & Channel Condition

This page is optional and appears only if the test condition requires that you enter a peak or channel. Define for which peaks (for example, a selected peak from the Peak Table,  the largest detected peak, etc.) and channels (the “Preferred” channel, a channel with a given name) the calculations will be performed.

N.A. & Fail Action

Use this page to determine the test result if the test cannot be performed (N.A.). Also, determine what action is taken if the test fails (Fail Action).

For examples of defining a system suitability test, refer to:

 SST Example: Is the Amount in the Calibrated Range?

 SST Example: Amount Deviation on Reinjection